Trinity-St. Andrew’s is known for its work serving the community and advocating for the
marginalized across the world. We are an affirming congregation, which means we are
dedicated to creating a radical welcome to all people.
Trinity-St. Andrew's United Church exists to ensure that all people may grow in their relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We are committed to creating a community where all people are
welcome regardless of age, gender, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, differing abilities, ethnic background or economic circumstances.
Do you feel an urgency to be involved in making this world a better place? So do we… one
person at a time. We are always looking for new people to join this work, but it doesn’t mean
you have to sit on a committee! If you want more information please reach out to the contacts
provided. Some of these projects are specific to our congregation, some of them we are hosting
on behalf of the community, or sponsoring through use of space and
administrative support, like HUGS.
The United Church of Canada joins with other civil society organizations in Canada to denounce the anti-LGBTQIA+ bill that passed recently in Uganda. The time to support LGBTQIA+ allies and activists in Uganda is now."
The United Church of Canada published a statement on May 29, 2023 denouncing Uganda's anti-LGBTQIA+ bill. For more information please visit the United Church's website.
Additional details about Uganda's anti-gay bill, that includes punishments including the death penalty, visit this CBC article.
Are you passionate about LGBTQIA+ and equity issues?
Consider joining us at Trinity-St. Andrew's! For over 11 years, we have been welcoming and supporting LGBTQIA+ people and making our spaces accessible and scent-free. For more information, or to support our efforts, please contact Jeanette at jeanettecournoyer@gmail.com or Rev. Wanda at minister@trinitystandrews.ca.

Clothing Depot
We offer Gently used affordable clothing and accessories to the Brighton community. The Clothing Depot is run completely by our dedicated volunteers. All profits are dispersed back into the local community. Check out our Facebook page at
The Clothing Depot is now open!
Our hours are 10am to 2pm Wed., Thurs., Fri., and Saturday 10am - 1pm.
phone: 613-475-2705
Helping Ukrainians Get Settled in Brighton is a community group dedicated to supporting host
families who have opened their homes to Ukrainians fleeing the war with Russia. TSA is
honoured to be able to support HUGS with administrative work and provide a space to meet.
For more information about HUGS, please visit hugsinbrighton.com

Migrant Workers
Outreach committee spearheads a group of people who have gotten to know and support men that come from the Caribbean to assist in our local farming activities. We provide transport for them to medical appointments as well as a location and meal for them where they can socialize with us and other workers. We call on the congregation and community to assist with these activities and we try to find items needed for their work here as well as items they would like to take back home with them. We provided about 15 meals, many trips to medical appointments and shopping when they were not working. We are honoured to know these hard working men as friends and neighbours some have been leaving their families at home for 31 years to work on our farms. Before Christmas we invite Ten Thousand Villages from Cobourg to provide us with items for sale. This money is used to assist with expenses for our migrant workers events. We cannot thank the congregation enough for the support they have provided to us.

Supper's Ready
Trinity-St. Andrew's United Church is proud to be a part of this community supper/charity that brings churches together and breaks down denominational walls. It takes approximately 100 volunteers to feed the people of our community every Wednesday evening, 5pm, September through to the end of June. All are welcome. There is no fee for the dinner. If you would like to volunteer, please contact the church office 613-475-1311 or email at suppersreadybrighton@gmail.com or call
El Salvador Intergenerational trip
El Salvador trip, March Break, 2024
A one-week trip to our global partner, Emmanuel Baptist Church. Open to anyone in High School or older.
donation items needed for the schools:
pens, pencils, math instruments, pencil crayons, glue, scissors, stickers
And personal hygiene / over the counter medical supplies: toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap
tylenol or ibuprofen (in original packaging), if you have a connection? first aid supplies
If you would like to make a monetary donation towards the irrigation project that we will be working on, please contact the church office. 613-475-1311 or email admin@trinitystandrew's.ca

Notes of Hope meets once a month (first Tuesday of the month resuming in September) to send letters of support or petition around the world and within Canada. We use Amnesty International "Urgent Action" bulletins, as well as United Church 'Take Action' requests, and others. A background sheet of information is provided, as well as sample letters, addresses, web sites, and more. Each participant is free to choose whichever request speaks to them. We use email and/or snail mail, and enjoy a hot drink while we work. Each month we mail out one to two dozen Notes of Hope.